Finding Something Friday: October Things and a Giveaway!

October Things (Sung to the tune of My Favorite Things)

Pumpkins on porches and black cats on ladders,
Mummies and werewolves and spiders and adders,
Chocolate, presents and World Series rings,
These are a few of my October things!

When the muse leaves, when the NO! stings,
When I’m feeling sad,
I simply remember my October things,
And then I don’t feeeeeeeel so bad!

Yay, October! How can you not celebrate candy and creepy stuff, baseball and birthdays? Well, you simply can’t. Which is why for each of my October things, I’m having a giveaway!

First up, we’ll celebrate all things spooky and speculative! I love to write twisted, macabre tales and if I could write them like Neil Gaiman, I’d be rich, rich, rich! Alas, I cannot. But I can learn from a master storyteller, which is why I read his books. Fortunately for you, I have a copy of Mr. Gaiman’s, M is for Magic, a collection of tales to chill and amuse the young reader.

Unfortunately, it is not autographed. I purchased it so Neil (as his friends call him) could sign it when he was here last year for a visit. But I had to leave. Which, now that I think of it, may be fortunate for you. I probably wouldn’t give away an autographed copy of M is for Magic.

Just keeping it real, folks. Anyway, I am giving away his lovely, albeit unautographed book during the October Things Giveaway! And I’ll throw in a delicious chocolate bar, too! All you have to do to win is leave a comment! Tell me who your favorite mystery or horror writer is, and oh! I’d love a reading recommendation. I’m always looking for a good, creepy story during October!

And if you spread the word, on Twitter or Facebook or your very own blog, let me know, and I’ll give you an extra entry for each shout out. Oh, oh! And if you’re not a follower and sign up, I’ll give you an extra entry for that, too.

So, off you go! Fly, my little pretties, and bring me back a good book to read! (But do so by the 8th. I’ll be drawing the winner on Finding Something Friday next week!)

P.S. Is it just me or does there seem to be a totally inordinate number of exclamation points in this post? I’m just so freakin’ excited!!!! October! Yay!

I Saw Neil Gaiman Autographing Books

(Sung to the tune of “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”)

I saw Gaiman autographing books,
Way up from the balcony so high.

He didn’t see me creep,
Up to the rail to peek.

I took this picture even though my butt was fast asleep!

‘Cause I saw Gaiman autographing books,
And knew I wouldn’t make it till the end.

What a treat it would have been
If Neil had only seen
Me and autographed my book last night!

(P.S. I bought an already-autographed book.)

(P.P.S. If you ever get the chance to see and actually hear Mr. Gaiman, you should go. He is quite the entertaining chap. But get there early. ‘Cause those young twenty-somethings are happy to stand in line for hours and wait for hours for his autograph. I mean, I really like Neil Gaiman. But I was in the midnight-signing crowd, and a world-famous author may not have been in a “What have we here? Cathy-on-a-Stick?” jolly mood at 12:08 in the morning.)

(P.P.S.S. Thanks to Little Shop of Stories in Decatur, Georgia, for winning the competition so I could see the entertaining Neil Gaiman. Support your local indie bookstore!)

(P.P.P.S.S. Yes, I know it’s dark and kinda blurry and that could be anybody. But it’s neilhimself. I was in the balcony, fer cryin’ out loud.)