Synchronicity and a Song and Mom

Back in the day, way back in the day, I read The Celestine Prophecy, a sort of New Age-y, spiritual journey novel that enjoyed serious best-seller status.

To be honest, I don’t remember much about the story. What I remember is the concept of synchronicity, the belief that coincidences have a meaning for those who experience them. The thing is, I’ve always ascribed to Albert Einstein’s theory, that “coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” I woke up thinking about both synchronicity and Einstein’s quote and so I’ll share my story and you can let me know what you think.

On Monday night, in my daily phone call to Dad, he mentioned a song that he’d been thinking of lately. He couldn’t remember all the words and so he asked the woman who leads his bible study if she knew the song. She did; it’s a beautiful, old Christian tune and Dad sang to me a bit of the chorus, the part of the song he remembered. “You won’t know it, of course.” But he croaked out a couple lines, anyway, “And He walks with me, and He talks with me.” And I smiled, because I do know that song and I picked up the chorus: “And He tells me I am His own.”

Dad was surprised that I knew it, but he was even more surprised how I knew it: Mom used to sing that song. Not in recent years, but when I was a child.

I have few memories of my years in Texas; we moved to Georgia when I was seven. But I can see my mom, standing at the sink at our house in Arlington, washing dishes. And I hear that song.

I have not thought of that song in years. Years and years and years. But I thanked Dad for sharing with me, because it was a gift to remember Mom singing that song. And he thanked me, because he always loves hearing memories of Mom. “Perhaps your mother wanted us to hear that song,” he said.

Maybe, I thought. So I searched for the song and gave a listen to all the words. It really is a lovely song. And that might have been the end of it if I hadn’t been watching The Voice last night when Emily Ann Roberts sang In the Garden in the Live Playoffs:

Well, you don’t have to knock me over the head with it, Mom. I got the message.

So tell me, what do you think of synchronicity and coincidences? Writers are always chastised for including coincidences in a story, that real life doesn’t happen that way. But I think it’s just the opposite, that weird things happen all the time, events that defy logic or explanation.

Truth really is stranger than fiction.

26 thoughts on “Synchronicity and a Song and Mom

  1. What a beautiful story, Cathy! I absolutely believe in coincidences and synchronicity. I could go on and on about things that have happened since my dad passed, but I won’t bore everyone with them. I think your mom is watching over you and letting you know how much she loves you and the times you shared. ❤

  2. I know that song, too. It was Nathanael’s Grandma’s favorite. Or one of them anyway! I love that it took you back to Texas and a sweet memory of your mom. You probably know I don’t believe much in coincidence as I do in God directing our steps. As the passage says, “A man’s heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs His steps.” It’s a comfort to me to know God is always working, sometimes behind the scenes and sometimes front and center, and often using those coincidences to fill us up with blessings.

  3. Love this! Coincidences and synchronicity are a jolt of excitement in real life. I think the reason writers are chastised for including coincidences isn’t because they’re not real to life but because they feel like a cheat, like it’s too easy for the character to get out of a problem with a coincidence. The character needs to work to solve his/her own problem in order to be the hero.

    • Oh, I know, Genetta. It’s funny, though, how often I’ll tell a true story, something about the crazy Halls because it’s always something over here with the crazy Halls, and say, “If I wrote this up, people wouldn’t believe me!” 🙂

  4. Oh, Cathy, I have so many stories where I know God is in the middle of it all. I got to share my testimony in church about one life-changing event in particular. One hymn I’ve always loved, and sing around the house is HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW. Thanks for sharing today. I’m going to the piano right now to play and sing IN THE GARDEN(I won’t sound like THE VOICE contestant.)

    • Oh, I love that song, too! Do you know the story behind it? Just Google it, and I think you’ll find it better than I could tell it. And it’s okay if you don’t sound like the girl on The Voice. The Lord loves ALL voices! At least, that’s what they always say to me, in the choir. 🙂

  5. I keep “In the Garden” in my heart everyday. I sang the song in the children’s choir in my youth. The song has been slipping into my thoughts the past few days more than usual. It has always comforted me in times of stress. One of my sisters passed away recently and this song brings the comfort of mind and spirit. I do believe there are no coincidences and I believe in synchronicity. Many times I listen to the spirit within me and see the wonders of God in my life. I know He is talking to me. People have entered my life and I have entered their lives because He puts us together. Thank you for sharing with us, Cathy.

  6. Love this post. You already know I’m a synchronicity fan. I do believe, I do believe, I do! And it shouldn’t surprise you, as we were separated at birth, that this was also my mom’s favorite hymn. I’ve got a synchronicity story to tell you—not about myself—but I’ll save it for an email as it will be wordy. 🙂

  7. Your post gave me chills — in a good way. I believe divine providence is God’s way, not of remaining anonymous, but of gently showing his presence.
    What lovely memories to cherish.

  8. Lovely post. I certainly believe He is moving in the background all the time, opening and closing windows, showing us things beyond the norm. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of your blog, we seem to be kindred spirits.

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