Book Review: Authorpreneur By Nina Amir

FuseEbookCover-Authorpreneur-2About the Book:

There was a time when I thought the hardest part about the writing business was…well, writing. Now I know that the writing is just the beginning of my business, and thanks to author, Nina Amir, I’ve got a few more ideas to add more bang to my writing bucks.

Her latest book, Authorpreneur: How To Build a Business Around a Book, explains how to take what you already do well—writing—and turn that skill into profits. And though many of the income-generating ideas seem better suited for the non-fiction writer, I think the savvy novelist will find plenty to grow a business, too.

What I love about this packed e-book is Amir’s attention to the details. She doesn’t just tell you about webinars or teleseminars, for example; she takes you through the steps from start to finish. She provides links to helpful sites, makes recommendations of what’s best to use, and she gives reasons for why you should consider each of the ideas she presents.

And that’s important.

Not every author is going to be comfortable with every idea. But every author can see, from the details provided, exactly what is entailed in each business venture and decide from the outset if that’s a venture worth pursuing, a venture that fits in with his or her business plan.

And you do have a business plan, right? Because whether you have a year before the books comes out, or whether you’re still trying to finish that last chapter of your work-in-progress, it’s time you started thinking about how else you’re going to make money from the book.

That’s what Nina Amir’s Authorpreneur: How to Build a Business Around a Book can do for you. From “Four Initial Steps for Building a Business Around Your Book” to “Use Your Book to Start a Speaking Career” all the way to “Start Selling Products and Services,” Amir builds, step by step, a plan you can personalize to fit your personality—and your book!

DSC_4744 good 2 SMALLERAbout Nina Amir:

Nina Amir, author of How to Blog a Book, The Author Training Manual, and 10 Days and 10 Ways to Return to Your Best Self, transforms writers into inspired, successful authors, authorpreneurs and blogpreneurs as an Inspiration to Creation Coach.

Keep up with her (and learn more!):





You can find her e-book at Amazon and Smashwords.

You Don’t Have to be Rocky to be a Winner

ImageSomething about Nina Amir’s The Author Training Manual makes me want to play the theme song from Rocky. Maybe it’s the idea of all those exercises, training you to be an author.

Imagine yourself…at the desk (dadadaaaa). Typing (dadadaaaa). Sweating (dadadaaaa) Crying (dadadaaaa)

Yep, it’s pretty inspiring.

‘Course, first, you have to actually have the exercises. So you’ll need to buy your very own The Author Training Manual. Unless you’re Sandra. If you’re Sandra, you’ve won a copy. Yay!

Now the rest of you, get to work. (Remember Burgess Meredith? Did I sound like him? A little bit?)