Friday’s Fun Find: Writer’s Grab Bag

Okay, here’s the deal.

I’m getting ready to get me and my manuscript(s) up to New Jersey for the One-on-One Plus Conference at Rutgers. But I couldn’t leave without sharing author Ellen Jackson’s extremely helpful Editors’ pages. While doing my Rutgers research on editors, Ellen’s very helpful site came up again and again and really saved me quite a bit of time. It’s not often you can submit directly to editors, but if you’re thinking along those lines, check here first.

Plus, there’s Vonna Carter’s extremely helpful pages on agents. Her website also came up time and time again, so I think you’ll find it worth a look for when you’re…well, looking.

And er, yes. This is not exactly the same post you read early Friday. But this is late Saturday and I thought a little mojo turning around was called for before I head to that conference. Not because I’m superstitious, but because…okay, okay. Fine. I’m a little superstitious.

But come on. I’m going all the way to New Jersey. I need all the luck I can get.