It’s a Halloween BooooooooooK Giveaway!

599271_w185Remember a couple weeks back? When I told you I was going to do a book giveaway for Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Think Positive for Kids? Halloween is the perfect day for it. And here’s why:

My story, called “Better Safe Than Sorry” is all about a scary moment from my youth. I mean the way, way back youth, when I was just a 10-year-old kid. (And no, that’s not the scary part.)

So, my mom sent me to a camp out in the sticks somewhere in South Carolina. (Still not the scary part.)

And on the last night of camp, we gathered in a big circle and roasted marshmallows and sang songs and the older kids were allowed to stay for the (here comes the scary part) ghoOOOoost stoOOOoories. Since my friend was one of the older kids, I got to stay with her.

And then

Well, you’ll have to win the boooook to find out what happened next. Or if the suspense is killing you, get your own Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Think Positive for Kids. It’s such a gooOOooOOOood read!

(All you have to do for a chance to win is leave a comment, and on November 8th, I’ll draw a name. And please make sure you have some kind of contact info included. If I can’t mail your book, that’s beyond scary. It’s downright horrible!)

A Halloweensie Story (With Apologies to Mr. Poe)

I may be too old for trick-or-treating, but that doesn’t mean a girl can’t have a little boo-rific fun. And as I’m pretty fond of Edgar Allan Poe and poetry and Susanna Leonard Hill’s writing contests, it all came together. In a hundred words or less.




The (Scaredy) Cat


Once upon a midnight spooky, while I roamed in my Suzuki,

Looking for my black cat, lost among the trees.

I thought I heard a mewing, or was it more like booing?

A booing ever softly, whistling through the breeze.

“H-hello?” I asked the dark, the shadows in the park.

When suddenly a cackle sounded in my ear.



And then I caught a peek, of something black—it streaked!

Across the grass, and sprang onto the floor!

I nearly jumped out of my skin, as it settled down right in—

my lap. Sweet dreams, kitty.  But for me, nevermore!


There’s still time for you to jump in and join the Halloween fun! As for me, I think I deserve a Butterfinger. Or six.